Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Not So News

- Paris Hilton's album has flipped and flopped like a fish out of water and sold all of 75,000 units in its first week of sales. I have to admit that I did not buy the album myself, despite saying that I might. I did download a few of her songs from iTunes though. [pagesix]

- Meredith Veira is laughing at a joke someone told her the other day...the punchline... "The View". And now she is telling the joke to the press all over town. Funny how quick she is to bite the hand that fed her for so many years before she hit the lucrative "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" in syndication and then the Today show. Watch out Meredith, you saw what happened to Star after she told tales outside of school. [chicagotribune]

- Jeremy Piven lets Access Hollywood correspondent Billy Bush have it when Billy doesn't let up on his line of questioning concerning Hollywood babies. Piven is quoted as saying..."You need another job. You have potential as a human being," said Piven, not at all hiding his irritation. "This may not be right for you. Seriously -- can you focus on other things?" I wish someone would let Mary Hart or EVEN BETTER Vanessa Minnillo or the increasingly annoying Kevin Frasier have it too. Watch the video here. [tmz]

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