Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
All Bald Up Does Not Recommend...
Shopping at Buckle, unless you have a handy supply of Xanax to help deal with the anxiety that will be caused by overzealous salespeople. I swear everytime I go in there...for something specific mind you...they try to get me to buy one of everything in the store. My friend Jason wanted a pair of Lucky jeans so we went to Buckle, where the salesman bombarded us with stupid questions, i.
e. are you familiar with the fits that Lucky makes?, did you know that Buckle sells its own version of Lucky's called BKE?, etc etc etc. THEN he comes up to us with the most ugly wash I have ever seen on a pair of jeans and tells us that "Guess makes a really great fitting jean, and I saw that you wear tshirts so I brought you these tees with copper sparkles on them because they really make the jeans POP! What kind of shoes are you going to wear with these jeans...what size do you were...I have a boot over here." OMG, all this in like no time at all. The tees were not really Jason's style and passed on them, but my biggest problem was his reasoning for bringing them over. "I see you wear tshirts"...who the hell doesn't wear tshirts in Texas on a Saturday when it is 300 degrees outside? Then the salesman asks me..."so is he dragging you all over town shopping today?", like we were a couple. I was like...um...what...no. Needless to say, we bought nothing and left him to fold 6 pairs of jeans and several tees. Poor Eve ain't getting a commission off these fickle fags, and if he were a smart salesman he would know that his technique may work on a clueless breeder, but that pushy tactic is not going to work on a homo that knows what is in, what is out, and what works for them...thank you.

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