Thursday, July 20, 2006

Worst Punk'd EVER

Okay, it is times like this when I am thoroughly disappointed that actors are not like their tv counterparts. Ellen Pompeo is not a nice person, and this just proves it. I mean...what is a little harmless flirting by a waitress (which is pretty damn tame if you axe me) in order to get a better tip, but to go so far as to say that she is going to jam a fork in her clavicle (did she learn that on Grey's or what?) and let her bleed all over the sidewalk causing her Vegas-esque foundation to run.

Then, to end it by getting pissed about the amount of the tip, knowing damn good and well that she is getting a raise for Season 3. I mean...really. I will never see Meredith in the same flourescent hospital light again. Lighten up you silly C-U-Next-Tuesday.


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