Monday, July 17, 2006

Protesting Scruf

Can someone please hire these girls to do something...I mean...really. Is Burger King hiring...oh wait, Brooke already works for them. Do they have nothing else to do? I mean, there is nothing and then there is NOTHING. I think joining NOSCRUF.ORG (National Organization of Social Crusaders Repulsed by Unshaven Faces) is even less than nothing. When I saw this I thought, "Surely this is a joke of some kind and CANNOT be real", but no.


I am, at times, against a man having facial hair and at other times I am not, but to protest it? I am REAL sure that Brooke is going to go around with unshaved legs considering she makes her living doing this:

I dunno, maybe some guys are into hairy sasquatch legs and seeing Buckwheat tucked underneath both arms. As far as Kelly Monaco goes...I always wondered what happened to her after Dancing With the Stars. Now I know, she has devoted her life and time to a cause even more worthy than helping starving children in Somolia or rebuilding New Orleans. Bravo Kelly, you have made a wise choice, and I applaud you for improving the appearance of men everywhere. Although, something inside makes me wonder if she is REALLY this passionate about this cause or if she is doing it to be "seen". I guess we will never really know. Will the next stop be Oprah? Only time will tell.


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Please tell me this is has to be! As a woman, I'm at a loss of words for this crap!

  2. never can tell with the Hollywood crowd...give them a cause, whether it be real or make them believe it is real and they will ride it for all the PR they can get.
