Thursday, July 13, 2006

Out of the Blue

Is this trick or true? Oh Debbie, I thought it was only in my dreams, but have you gone from believing anything is possible to playing a foolish beat on a karaoke microphone? I can read between the lines that your electric youth has gone and your fallen angel status has required you to play the field and I begin losin myself in your dreamy red hot over the wall tunes. Shades of the past make me think we could be together again, because you should've been the one. So many fans used to be helplessly in love with you, but now I know there is no chance of us staying together. How lame am I? I hope she is making some good money on this thing, because it is muy $$$$. I just wish she would stop pointing at me, taunting me, longingly gazing into my soul, knowing me better than...uh...uhm..what just happened? I blacked out for a moment.

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