Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Oh Joe

Simpson that is. You know, I don't know what else I can say about Joe Simpson...Jessy and Ash's pimp daddy. It is stories like these that make him seem more crazy and creepy as these hot summer days are long. From WWTD, a story alleging that Joe has been spying on his daughter's ex-husband from the time they seperated until their divorce was finalized. One incident occurred last spring after Lachey was at a nightclub with future girlfriend Vanessa Minillo and Jessica's ex-assistant CaCee Cobb. The New York Daily News says:

"Joe called the club people after hearing Nick was there and demanded to see the security videotape. The club declined to cooperate. According to the source: "Joe was looking to incriminate Nick. He told the club, 'If you ever want to see my daughter there, you'll give me what I want.'"

Um...what? What exactly is he going to incriminate Nick for? Overage drinking? Canoodling with that styrofoam-esque Vanessa Minillo? How about getting intimate secrets about Jessy from CaCee Cobb? I am sure some of those are worth some change. You know, like the one time when she was walking down the hall in high school and the back of her skirt was totally tucked into her underwear...like...OMG...she was SO embarassed...or what about that time she got drunk at Mack's party and she barfed in the pool. UGH. And really, what kind of empty threat is telling a club owner that she will never set foot inside their club? Who the hell cares if she comes or not. I doubt that her appearance will make or break the place. I think stories like this on MSNBC about him spreading rumors about Lindsay Lohan because she used her right to bar Jessy from a party also relfect an image of an immature junior high girl. I also add that it is pictures like this one of him checking out his daughter's non existant cleavage that make him kind of creepy too.

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