I mean...why do people have to be so lurid and lascivious? Don't get me wrong, I like to get a little lurid myself from time to time, but damnit have some class about it. Classy lascviviousness...does that exist. I ran across this missed connection on craigslist and about fell out of my chair.
"Looking to meet up with the guy that was standing next to me at the urinal in Oilcan's Friday night. You are about 6'5" or 6'6", dark hair, glasses, checking out the action on your left and right. I was on your right. Wanted to grab what you were showing, but got shy when it looked like your friend came into check on you. Want to try again?"
First of all...Jason is that you? Second of all who does this? Don't answer that...just think about it. Third, why would you want to grab someone's penis while urine is pouring out of it...that is nasty. My favorite part is when he says..."checking out the action". I don't know why that is fo funny to me, but it is.
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