Thursday, July 27, 2006

Lindsay Lohan for American Apparel?

I ran into these pictures of LaLohan about to step out for Jeremy Piven's birthday bash (or something) and the first thing I thought was that she was shooting amateur photos to be featured on American Apparel's website. Either that or she has become involved in some ill-conceived pornography ring. Seriously, these pics look like something the police would find in some sex offender's lock box during an episode of Cold Case.

Can I just say that choosing a bathing suit color that blends in with your skin is not an easy thing to wear, and Lindsay does not succeed. This picture just screams...well I am not quite sure what it screams, but it is hurting my ears and my eyes.

The only explanation that I can think of as to why these photos were snapped is because she did exactly what me and my friends do before we go out, she tried on two different swimsuits to see which one would make her look the cutest in any photos that might be taken. She eventually chose this doiley looking number. Maybe after she gets done uploading her amateur pics to American Apparel's website, she could take a gander at some of their cute swimsuits.


  1. Fun blog. Made me laugh, and I needed a laugh today! Clawing my eyes out in horror after the LiLo pics though...

  2. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
