Tuesday, July 11, 2006

American Idols Sell Souls to Ford Motor Co.

Oh. My. God. I mean...really? How much money is Ford paying these people, because I hope it is a lot. When you get to the point where your music video is nothing but product placement for the Ford Mustang...is that a sign that something is wrong. Of course, I could be on the wrong path here, because this particular song could have been recorded specifically for Ford Motor Company Promotions...at least I hope so. The song is catchy though...we'll see if it shows up on her new album. Check out the video starring: Ford Mustang. Kelly does look hot with the dark brown/black hair. I just wish she would lose that damn nose stud.

And then you have this one? I am sorry, but this is the most spastic looking commercial I have ever seen, and Taylor Hicks is not so much. I mean...this would not make me want to run out and buy a Ford Product, more out of fear that his bizarro ass is gonna be jumping around the showroom screaming this jingle. And the commercial isn't even done well enough to be able to tell that he isn't lip syncing. Possiblities my ass...that rocks.

And complete offense to him, because I think AI is gonna lose a lot of money on this one. Just a feeling, but a feeling that feels very right. I guess it is a blessing to him, maybe Ford can hire him as a salesman when his career doesn't take off.

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