Monday, June 26, 2006

What is the bigger question?

1. How in the world did these two become associated with each other? I will half ass answer that question...Diddy is associated with a zillion people, so I am not reading anything into this picture. I am all about two people hanging out and it being nothing more than a friendship.

2. Where are her boobs? I feel that this is the bigger question to be answered. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE me some Selma Blair, but damnit girl is too skinny. When you have lost weight to the point that you have the chest of a 12 year old boy and don't even need a bikini top, then there is something wrong with your eating habits. She looked fab in "The Sweetest Thing" of my favorite movies...EVER.

3. Why can't Diddy wear just a regular pair of shorts? I have no answer for this, other than his Sean John line probably doesn't make regular shorts that you can buy anywhere.

I think #2 would be the bigger question...thanks.


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