Friday, June 23, 2006

SO Stereotypical

A friend of mine recently told me a story about a woman she works with, and how she made the comment one day that went something like this: "I don't know about all them gays mens molesting all these little kids." Being one of my bestest friends in the world, my friend came to my and all gay mens' defense and asked Shaneeky to explain herself. "Well you know girl, you always hear about the gay men being all petalfillia". She replied..."what news are you watching? I have a gay best friend and I will just tell you right now that he HATES kids. He thinks they infringe on his right to fly, shop, and enjoy a theme park without being interrupted. He only likes my daughter out of courtesy to me." Of course, Shaneeky shut up and back pedaled and was like...well I am sure your friend is just fine, but I am talking about the other ones. She then replied...and on the news...the men are married men, priests, and mentors...very rarely is there any mention of a gay man being a pedophile these days. She promptly stopped talking and went back to her custodial duties. It amazes me the amount of ignorance out there and how some people will never know anything more than what lies in the boundaries of their home. And for the record, I do like my friends' kids more than just out of courtesy, and they know that. I think all of my friends know how kids should be raised and raise them properly, and for the most part they are always well behaved...barring the occassional cranky outburst...that I can deal with. I HATE the kids whose parents are not good parents and let them cry, yell, carry on, and act a fool. I hate the kids whom parents bring to a nice restaurant only to have my nice dinner interrupted by crying and/or screaming. I HATE the kids that are running around Nordstrom or who are being pushed around in a DOUBLE stoller when there is only one kid. Okay, I hate the parents that do that...or any of that. There is a place for kids and it is the playground, not the mall. I have noticed one thing seems that for as much as I dislike children, they seem to LOVE me. Why is that?

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