Friday, June 23, 2006

The "Save Screech's House" Saga Continues

Every morning I listen to 104.1 KRBE out of Houston. The morning DJ's crack me up and they are much better at putting me in a good mood than anything else. Atom Smasher, the most gay straight man on radio, other than Seacrest, and Maria...crazy ass black woman who has the most infectious laugh I have heard on the radio. ANYWAY, they interviewed Screech this morning on the radio and I immediately barfed up a little bit of the piece of toast I had for breakfast. He was really passionate about this mess, and his goal is to sell 30,000 shirts, but you know what..."NOBODY REALLY CARES ABOUT YOUR PROBLEM". I took a poll of four people and four out of four do not care. So, good luck with unloading all those tshirts. I think a better idea would have been to saved that money and put it towards your bills...mmkay?

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