Sunday, June 11, 2006

Pittsburgh Day 1

So, my tired ass only got 3 hours of sleep last night because I decided to wait until the last minute to pack my shit for my trip to Pittsburgh. Nobody to blame but myself on that one. So, I rolled out of bed this morning at 3:30, so I could get to Austin by 5am. First off, there are pros and cons to flying so damn early in the morning. is SO early in the morning. Pros: short lines at check-in and at security checks, having to get up that early guarantees you will fall asleep on the plane that way a person is not conscious of the fact that a 400 lb woman is sitting next to and partially in your lap on the first leg of the flight. Can I also just say that Northwest Airlines is not a good airline. There was something about their planes and their flight attendants that was utterly repulsive. It could be the big birthmark that covered Sheila's face...or could it be her glass eye? Irregardless, she is not someone that I would want to put front and center to give the ermergency protocol. BTW, Memphis airport stinks like a nursing home. I got off the plane and the geriatric stench of bed pans and vicks filled my nostrils. Can I also just say, that there is no reason for people at the back of the plane to immediately stand up as soon as the "fasten seat belt sign" turns off. Finally, I get to Pittsburgh, got my rental car, which is a luxurious Chrysler Sebring Sedan...BLECH. I make my way to the hotel, which is FABULOUS, AND it had a Bally's right next door. YAY! I pull up to valet my car, and nobody wants to help me. I unload my shit myself, and I am waiting for a valet boy...nothing. This elderly-esque woman is standing on the sidewalk and while I am waiting for valet, makes a smart ass comment of "Are you just going to leave your car there, you can't just leave your car there." First off, I would have let that roll off my back, had the flight not been so...the way it was, I wasn't driving a Chrysler Sebring, and then not getting help from the valet. I responded..."Ma'am, I am NOT going to leave my car there, I am waiting for a valet". It all came down to the fact that she didn't want to walk 5 steps to get in her daughter's car. Bitch. The rest of the day went well. I stumbled on an art festival, and only saw a couple of booths worth actually stopping for. One of them was an artist that creates his work using colored pencils. Check out his is good stuff. His name is Clark Stoeckley, and his site is

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