Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Morning Purge

Okay, so...I have to say that everyone that has some sort of online profile should attach a picture, regardless of what they look like. It is always good for people to know if they are talking to someone that looks like Brad Pitt, or even better that they know it is someone so ugly they couldn't get winked at by a one eyed man with hay fever. There would be nothing worse, for all those people that still use the internet to get dates, than chatting up some person online, only to meet him in public and he look like Michael, the cross eyed bastard:

I mean...does he have a lazy eye? Maybe he has a glass eye, or is he retarded? Why would anyone that looks like him even have a profile, and I wonder if anyone ever hits him up? So many questions, but no answers to them. I think that if this showed up as the other half of a blind date I would run into the night screaming like a banshee, that is if I could get away before his appearance caused my eyes to instantly shut down to defend themselves against the trauma of his Sloth-like appearance. Nobody wants to go on a date with a mutant, unless he is Wolverine or Colossus. If only you could see the rest of his pictures. He is G-ross. His profile reads: "Tall Handsome Muscular Masseur looking for big competative big smooth body builders to work onsmooth shaved or trimmed bodies Web Cam for posing etc." I don't see anything handsome about him, and he is the last person that I would want touching me for a massage. BLECH. Check out an even more sad picture of this 56 year old man (beware, not suitable for least for some peeps) here. I mean...what is it?!?!?!? And now, here comes breakfast. Thank god I don't have to rely on pills to keep me thin.

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