Lindsay Lohan's sylist Nate Newell allegedly couldn't keep up with the party hardy 19 year old that friends chipped in so that the poor kid could fly back home. LaLohan apparently flew him out to NYC to accompany her during the "Prarie Home Companion" press tour, but after a few days of having fun and partying he could no longer keep up with her partying ways. All of this staying out late makes me wonder what she is going to like like in say...five years. I have seen the way some of the gays age 10 years in less than two years from partying like rock stars. All I can say is "YIKES"! [NY Post]
Ain't nobody wanna see the alleged offspring of Tomkat. I can't say that I am shocked. Personally, I am tired of seeing Tom Cruiseazy's ass all over the tv and in the magazines and... We are over it, have been over it, and don't really care. Like says...the Jolie/Pitt baby was 'it' and now Suri has lost her shine now that she isn't a newborn. In the words of Mary Cherry from 'Popular'...nobody pays attention to 'dayplayers'. Thanks. Personally, I still doubt the existence of Suri. [Foxnews]
It is hard not to notice the similarities between Jessy Simpson's new song A Public Affair and Madonna's Holiday. I mean...really hard. Take a gander at the similarities here and decide for yourself. Simpson's spokesperson has dismissed similarities. Apparently her spokesman is also denying rumors that she is also deaf or dumb...or possibly both. I hope someone sues Jessy's ass. What is the damn deal with the Simpson girls? Ashlee can't sing, gets caught not singing on SNL, then sings live to prove she can sing, only proving that she sounds like a cat being strangled, and somehow the bitch still keeps releasing singles. Then there is Jessica whose last four releases have all been covers that she butchered with a rusty chainsaw. Take My Breath Away was quite possibly THE worst. Can someone please stop this Juggernaut? Go Team Lachey! [towleroad]
And that's all I got.
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