Saturday, June 17, 2006

Hi, my name is Charlie and...

I am temporarily addicted to reading "Missed Connections" on Craigslist, because much like browsing around MySpace and Friendster, this too will get boring after a while. Some of these postings are funny, and others not so funny. Case in point the following exchange:

Looking for Black Jeep Cherokee? m4m

and the reply:

Black Jeep Cherokee in Pasadena - m4m

Actually, that is pretty funny too. The cheating is probably the reason his boyfriend has all the STD's, but I am just guessing. As a victim of a philandering boyfriend, I don't understand the mentality involved in putting up with that mess. I also think that ranks up there with being in an exclusive relationship and then having it regress to the pre-exclusive days of being able to date other people too. What is that? That isn't a relationship, that is casually dating, and it would take a lot for me to sit back and know that someone I called my boyfriend is now sleeping around with whomever he wants to sleep around with, and at the same time thinking that if he doesn't hookup with a conquest that he can just come home and get in bed with me. No ma'am, I would be DONE!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    UGH, I agree with the regression of boyfriend back to casual dating, it's bullshit.
