Monday, June 19, 2006

He's Super

I remember back in the day when I had hardware on my teeth to fix the raw deal I had been given in the teeth department. My orthodontist always used to say "Super" in the most nasal voice EVER. It was like...sooooooouuuuuper. Then I came across these pics of Brandon Routh and I have to take a line from Dr. Mayer and say...he is super...kind of dreamy.

To me, this picture says...I am a normal person, and I am using you to master taking pictures in front of the mirror in the bathroom. CHEESE!

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have my own action figure. I wonder what my super power would be?

Strike a pose...Vogue Vogue Vogue.

I am so excited about the Superman Returns movie that I could just spit!

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