Friday, April 21, 2006

11 Things I LOVE

1. Paula Abdul is a hot mess and I LOVE every second of her boozed up, drugged out appearances on American Idol every week. Whether her slur of words, her lazy left eye that is strategically hidden by her huge bangs, or the fact that she has 30lbs more of extensions and weave than most of the drag queens I have seen, she never fails to disappoint me. Some of my favorite Paula moments include her getting up and clapping after a performance, not so subtley coming onto some of the cuter contestants, but saving some flirt for the not so cute ones (because we dont want to leave them out), the time she called that big ole gay hating Mandisa a thoroughbred, and lets not forget how she always has to play the nice one and simply says (after a AWFUL performance): "I have heard better from you, you look REALLY cute tonight". I wonder what kind of Rx she is getting from her Dr.? I have to say that I think she made up the assault incident to get her Dr. to give her more pain killers. Good times!

2. Random Saturday or Sunday afternoons spent with a group of friends on a patio drinking beer, or margaritas, or Mexican martinis. Ahhh, I have had SO many good times on those random drunken weekend days. Especially before the Texas weather gets hotter than walking on the sun. Those days usually turn into crazy nights of dancing shamelessly in a white Hanes V-neck t-shirt paired with some ratty cargo shorts and flip flops until like 1am at one of the gay bars in Austin. Meanwhile, everyone else around you is like, WTF?

3. When I am dating someone, and we both think of nothing better to do than lay around on the couch and watch movies, or go grab a bite to eat and come back and take a nap together. Ah, cuddling and falling asleep is fun. Of course, it is better when either one or the other wakes up and initiates more. Sometimes I miss having a boyfriend, but other times...not so much. I guess it all depends on what day you catch me and how many of my friends are dating other people.

4. Washing my car on a sunny day. Some people see this as a chore, but damnit I enjoy washing my car. It is kind of therapeutic for me, and I feel a sense of satisfaction when I am done washing it. Nice to see my Jeep and shiny and gorgeous. I love a nice clean car.

5. Instant gratification via digital cameras. There is nothing better than striking a pose, burning the flash, and immediately seeing that the picture is either worthy of showing the world, or never allowed to see the light of day. They are also good for catching the non-posed candid shots, which sometimes turn out to be the best pictures because they trigger the memory of a good time MUCH better. It is also good for a little blackmail too. Speaking of pictures. I am glad that summer time is upon us, because that means it is picture taking time!

6. My iPod is one of my most prized possessions, and although mine is only the second or third generation (pre colored screen, post all-in-one click wheel), it is the best money I have ever spent. To have over 2,000 songs in one little place is like, well it is just "kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck" fantastic. It goes everywhere with me, and supports my run, my need to cry, or my need to get a laugh via some of the Best of Shirley Q Liquor. Now, I know what you are saying, 2,000 songs? Is that really necessary? The answer: Yes, for someone that loves music and has a theme song for practically every situation, it is very necessary just like a great pair of black lizard skin cowboy boots and a pair of Diesel jeans. It is a must. I dont really know anyone that doesnt have an iPod.

7. Although her current, but still fantastic, album is getting a bit long in the tooth, I ADORE me some Kelly Clarkson. I cant get enough of her music. I have seen her in concert, she is great. She seems so down to earth. I have all the remixes of all her songs that have been remixed. Love her. It seems like every song on Breakaway speaks to people on a different level. Like there is a song for a different kind of relationship you are in. Addicted for those who cant get enough of the one they are with, almost to the point of being clinically nuts. You Found Me for those who thought, for whatever reason, they would never be good enough to be loved by someone who sees them for their good and their bad, but stays anyway. Since U Been Gone and Hazel Eyes are self explanatory. Hear Me for the one that doesnt think their knight in shining armor will ever come, but wants him to SO badly. I could dissect all her songs, but we would be here forever. Something for everyone!

8. Paid days off via the State. I have the most random paid holidays and I love it. "Texas Independence Day": got it, "Presidents Day": got it. I, however, do not get the exact same State holidays as the State, because I work for the County, but I wouldnt mind having "Confederate Soldiers Day" and "San Jacinto Day" off as well. Not to mention St. Patricks Day and if retail ever wants me to accept Valentine's Day as a holiday, then they better get to work on making it a paid day off. Know what Im sayin?

9. The little things a guy does in a relationship make me swoon. A random text message, a short e-mail, putting his hand on my leg under the table at a restaurant, and whatever else that could be considered romantic. All the little things that bring an impossibly huge grin to my face are always welcome.

10. Random road trips or planned trips with my best friends. Nothing is better than just deciding to pack up and get your ass on the road to destination known and/or unknown.

11. The movie "Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead" is one of my most favorite movies...EVER. My favorite and most used line from that movie..."Right on top of that Rose". OMG, LOVE IT! Although, I do not like when people think that it is a line from Golden Girls.

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